Saturday, June 11, 2011

Que Pasa

¡Hola Mi Amigos!

I know you have all been eagerly awaiting my next post, so wait no more, it is here!
Since we chatted last time I have experienced quite a bit. I was faced with a problem that had no ideal solution. Either decision I could have made would ultimately disappoint. Although there was nothing that would satisfy all, I had to make a choice and stick with it. I had to listen to my "audience of one" as Miriam told me. That audience was of course our all knowing and loving God.
So that is that.
The Uptons and I have eagerly been awaiting the arrival of our first group for the summer. We have made three major shopping trips, began fervently cleaning the house, and been cooking up some of the food in order to make all the meals easier to put together. I have also met many new little children and warded off about 60,000,000 fights. Not really that many, but yesterday there was quite a rough crowd of niños on our porch. They were throwing crayons at little girls and punching each other and throwing up some gang signs. Mark eventually had to throw them our in order to make a point. Point made. I haven't seen the boys since.
I taught the kids freeze tag. They loved it. I don't have any pictures though, because if you have every played the game competitively before you will understand that I could not stop to take a picture or I would have been tagged and as a result frozen. So, no pictures for you.
Also everyday kids from around the neighborhood come to color in the coloring books that Abbey Jackson brought. She has really revolutionized the interaction between the Uptons, myself, and the kids. Without the books, there would not be as much of a reason for the kids to come and hang out on the porch. So Abbey, if you are reading this, thank you. Thank you for giving me opportunity after opportunity to make relationships with the kids. Thank you for allowing me to play the "what is this object" or color or action as seen in the books. You truly impacted Farallon!
I bet you want to see some pictures don't you? Well I'm not really feeling it. No I am just kidding, here you go!
Me and this parrot, no big deal. He was just hanging out.

Mi amiga Hillarye y yo!

 Mark helped some of the boys build a bird cage for the bird pictured above.
 This was after all of the kids helped us work in the yard, so they were treated to a frozen treat.
This is John. He is so sweet. He bought me some cookies yesterday.

Me trying to get these kids to quit acting a fool.

I'll have more for you later. Maybe something more profound! 

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